Sheep Bridge
Bridges over the river were always important for the life in Hrádek nad Nisou and its connection with the world. The biggest one is where the Workers House (Dělnický dům) is situated; it was built by Engineering and Industry Buildings from 1967 until June 1970. It replaced the original Sheep Bridge (Ovčí most) between Hrádek nad Nisou and Donín which used to stand until then 70 meters up the river stream.
Where the Sheep Bridge stood a wooden bridge used to be from as early as 18th century. It was used for directing sheep to nearby Sheep Hill (Ovčí kopec), and that is the origin of its name.

A carpenter Josef Kratzert built a new bridge for 2,530 Austrian Guldens 76 Kreutzens in 1860. Another bridge was built here in 1907; it was an arch bridge with construction made from steel with rivets. This bridge was used until the 70s of the 20th century.
Two paths on both sides of the river banks remind us of the original Sheep Bridge, they end up just above the river. A cross with crucified Saviour is on the right hand-side next to the path, and it was built by Franz Kirschner in 1864.
In the place of the original Sheep Bridge there was built another wooden bridge for pedestrians in 1999 for a short period of time because the main bridge at the Workers House was under repair.