Statue of St. Lawrence
The statue of St. Lawrence is near Oldřichovská ulice (Oldřichovská Street), less the 100 meters behind the viaduct. The statue is one of the best made statues in the town. The name of the sculptor who made it from sandstone is unknown. The text on the sandstone plinth shows at least the name of the benefactor who was a town councillor and a weaver - Johann Kristoph Lorenz – in 1781.
An interesting thing about the plinth is that the year 1773 is on the back side of it. It is assumed that due to the size of the plinth and the statue, the plinth was not originally with the statue. An anagram that was hidden in the original text underneath the statue had a different year – 1778. The monument was restored in 2008 thanks to the town Hrádek nad Nisou.

A relief of a cross with tortured Christ carried by two angels on clouds is intact on the plinth. The statue of St. Lawrence is depicted with gridiron on, as he was according to the legend martyred to death above hot coal.
Saint Lawrence lived in 3rd century BC. He is the patron saint of librarians, cooks and curriers.