St. Anne Statue
You can find the sculpture of St. Anne and the Virgin Mary on the sandstone pedestal if you turn from Liberecká street onto a path leading towards the cemetery. The inscription on the pedestal indicates that the town of Hrádek nad Nisou paid for the costs for the sculpture in 1819, though it may have originated some years before.

A more detailed look at the monument reveals that the statue and the pedestal are made of stones of different qualities and time of origin. Another piece of evidence which casts doubts about the time the sculpture was made can be found in the stationary register from 1843. It is clear that the monument was moved several times and that the spot was not used as a cemetery before the very end of the 19th century. Also, the path led towards Grabštejn at that time.

The sculpture is not overly exceptional in any way; St. Anne is wearing a floor-length gown, her hair is covered with a veil, she is holding a book in her left hand and a small figure of the Virgin Mary is under her right arm. The sandstone sculpture, although more than 200 years old, remains in great condition, also thanks to the fact that the sculpture and its surroundings are being well looked after by a few local volunteers.
St. Anne is said to be the patron of mothers and marriages and she gives special care to the smooth process of childbirth.
There have always been two sculptures of St. Anna in Hrádek nad Nisou. The older one, located in Horní náměstí (Upper Square), has been more noticeable, set together with the Virgin and Child. The statue is known under the name St. Anne Self-Third and it is on the top of the Plague Column which was installed in 1714. It was completely removed in spring of 1945, however, the exact replica of the column was reinstalled in August 2017.