Bohemian Gate
The Czech Republic – Germany border goes south of Hrádek nad Nisou via the Bílý potok valley (White Brook). From the crossroad of forest paths, which is called Cikánský kout (Gypsy Place), the valley starts to ascend moderately.

Many sandstone rock towers run along the border, mainly on the German side. A couple of rocks, through which an old path and simultaneously a state border leads, are very special. These rocks are called the Bohemian Gate. A new boundary marker is carved into the rocks with a year1831 and a letter Z meaning German Zittau. Older book guides state that an old business path connecting Czech inland with Zittau ran through there until it was moved to the West going through Petrovice and Lückendorf. However, the fact is that in written records there is only mentioned the path leading through Petrovice.

Climbers go to the Bohemian Gate as well, scarcely though. The rocks on the German side are more interesting: Flour Sack (Mehlsack), Eagle-Owl Rocks (Uhusteine) and Diana’s Wall (Dianawand). It is easy to get under Eagle-Owl Rocks where a nice view onto the Popov Cliffs is. Even better it is to ascend to the viewpoint Fox Pulpit (Fuchskanzel) which is accessible via a pedestrian bridge and offers a nice view onto Zittau and Hrádek nad Nisou. Ruins of castle Karlsfried are between the Bílý potok valley and the road Zittau-Lückendorf.
Four smaller but interesting rock towers are hidden in the woods on the Czech side near the Bohemian Gate – Borovák, Krajková věž (Lace Tower), Vyhlídková věž (Viewpoint Tower) and Strážce hranic (Borders Guardian).
Bílý potok (White Brook) is the source of drinking water for Hartava. Along its stream there are several wells and a nice waterworks.