Rooster Peak
Rooster Peak (Kohoutí vrch) is not the most distinctive hill above Hrádek nad Nisou. Therefore, it does not attract as many tourists as the nearby the Popov Cliffs (Popova skála). Both of them are on the same mountain ridge separated just by a shallow saddle. There is a wonderful view from Rooster Peak mainly into the valley of the Bílý Brook (Bílý potok) and the Zittau Basin (Žitavská pánev). Visitors can also see the area Kristýna, with a flooded quarry that is hidden to the visitors’ eyes when on the Popov Cliffs.
The Rooster Peak is at the end of the mountain ridge formed by the already mentioned the Popov Cliffs (556 meters above sea level) and by Sedlecký Špičák (544 meters above sea level). A rock outcrop at Rooster Peak is a little bit lower, standing 535 meters above sea level. It is together with the Popov Cliffs an example of so-called Lusatian quarry. It is formed by almost a perpendicular wall in the north, but the descend of the wall is gentler in the south. The sandstone is silificated which makes it firmer and it is comparatively resistant to weathering. Therefore, building stones were mined in the surroundings of Rooster Peak in the past. Mining was no longer carried out here in the first half of the 20th century but the smooth quarry walls are visible to this day.

A view from Rooster Peak
The crag on Rooster Peak is inviting during warm days when you may sit there and enjoy the view into the valley of the Bílý Brook that is lined by Výří skály and the rock formation Liščí kazatelna with a viewpoint. In the north, the view shows Zittau, Hrádek nad Nisou and the dominant Polish power station Turów.
At the north foot of Rooster Peak, an inn with the same name used to stand. It was called Volkert’s Cottage after the then owner. The terraced cottage was popular tourist place until it was demolished after WWII. Nowadays, its remains are the only reminder of where it once stood.
A comfortable way up to Rooster peak goes from Dolní Sedlo through a saddle under the Popov Cliffs, or there is a way from Hrádek nad Nisou following the blue tourist trail going around the area Kristýna.