On Bike around the Town
You can start your bike trip in the town centre in Horní náměstí (Upper Square). Use the free parking in Žitavská street and in most of the adjacent streets. Before setting off, we can admire the old pavements or the replica of the Baroque style Plague Column with the sculpture of St.Anne Self-Third, further on we can have a look into a hundred years old well or try the Sun-Dial – all we have to do is stand on a proper date on the timeline and watch our own shadow. The Baroque style St. Bartholomew Church (Kostel sv. Bartoloměje) is worth taking at least a short look.

Take Husova street at the right upper corner to leave Horní náměstí and follow a bicycle path No. 3039 of so-called Nová hřebenovka (New Ridge Path). The path leads you under the railway viaduct and past The Statue of St. Vavřinec (The Statue of St. Lawrence) on the left hand side. After you reach the end of the town, you go carefully around the roundabout and then down hill towards Oldřichov na Hranicích. If you are not well acquainted with the countryside, you can easily get confused because there are two villages you actually see in front of you, but each of them in a different country. One of them is in the Czech Republic, while St. Joseph Church on the hill lies in Polish Kopaczów. The borderline between states and villages is formed by Oldřichovský potok (The Oldřichov Stream). Going up hill you pass The Richter’s Cross on the right hand side of the road. In Oldřichov you should not forget to look up from the road so that you do not miss a view of several Upper Lusatian houses.
Nová hřebenovka (New Ridge Path) takes us all the way through Oldřichov and then towards an unpaved road leading to Uhelná village which boasts The Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel saved in 2017 and 2018 at the last moment when only peripheral walls remained. Worth seeing is the Upper Lusatian house No. 4 located behind the chapel. After returning to Nová hřebenovka path you can see a cross from 1806 situated on the right hand side at the crossroads at the end of Uhelná village. From that point you go slightly up hill but you should not miss a cylindrically shaped building which is a wind mill. It is well maintained and also the only one of three originally located at that spot.

You approach the crossroads “at the burnt linden-tree” and continue up to another crossroads with Školní kříž (The School Cross) where it is possible to enjoy a snack and a spectacular view of the countryside. After a well deserved break you leave Nová hřebenovka path and take a right turn to Václavice. There you can see a cemetery where St. Jacob’s Church used to be located and right opposite, cowering under the trees, there is one of the oldest monuments of the region, The Conciliatory Cross.
Then you join the main road and turn to the right to get on a marked bicycle path No. 3069. As you go slightly down hill, you can enjoy the ride and have a look at number of traditional houses and a dam, situated at the very end of Václavice village.
Hidden in the shadows of the trees you reach another crossroads where we have to decide between visiting Grabštejn Castle or going back to the town of Hrádek na Nisou. If you prefer seeing Grabštejn Castle with its Renaissance style St. Barbora’s Chapel and the outlook tower offering views of the countryside, you have to take the right turn and go up hill, there you turn left and after 80 metres you follow the path leading you to the gate of the castle. When you have finished the tour of Grabštejn Castle, you can either take the same road back to Hrádek nad Nisou or you can go down a steep hill and join the marked path No. 3069.
If you decide to skip the visit to Grabštejn, you go to the crossroads behind the dam and join a marked path No. 3069 leading to Chotyně. you pass the golf course, go under the railway viaduct and then turn to the right to Dlouhá mez (Long Country Lane) which takes you back to Hrádek nad Nisou. The straight road leads you to the town’s park and there you have to go up for a while until you see the tower of the church telling you that you have finally reached the town square.
If you prefer a longer trip, you can cross the bridge over the river and continue to Kristýna Lake and Trojmezí (Tri-Nation Point). There are no more hills, the path leads along the river and Kristýna Lake recreation area offers various possibilities for relaxation and refreshment.
The circuit including a visit to Kristýna Lake and Trojmezí (Tri-Nation Point) is an easy 21 km long with a maximum altitude of about 300 m.