A Town in the Heart of Trojzemí (Tri-Nation Point)
The town of Hrádek nad Nisou lies on borders of three states – The Czech Republic, Germany and Poland. It used be known as “a town in the end of the world” but it has since become a gate to the Czech Republic.

Its centre, as well as its suburbs have experienced significant changes, once neglected monuments have been returned to their former characteristics. In the town and its surroundings there are many interesting places which are worth visiting. Thanks to its position the town is an ideal starting point for making trips to Lužické hory (The Lusatian Mountains) and Žitavské hory (The Zittau Mountains) or for exploring neighbouring Poland and Saxony. The Kristýna Lake recreation area has become an often sought for haven for swimming and other water sports due to its consistently outstanding quality of water. You can also find accommodation facilities and restaurants there, or, if you prefer, you can choose those offered in the town.

Newly made paths ideal for in-line skating are at your disposal around the recreation area with an overall length over 5 km, these connect the recreation area, the town of Hrádek nad Nisou and Trojmezí. The Nisa river is cherished by watermen, offering a cool journey following the borderline. All the equipment necessary is for rent in Hrádek nad Nisou. In the evenings you can choose a less demanding walk to Marshlands which are reopened to the public or you can exercise your body using 14 fitness elements of Fitness Park Kristýna which are spread on the lake banks.
If you want to learn about the town’s history, go to Horní náměstí (Upper Square) to see the recently reinstated Plague Column, pavements created from stones from the original paths and a hundred years old well. Kostel sv. Bartoloměje (The St. Batholomew’s Church) is considered to be the most valuable treasure of the town, an interesting Neo-Gothic Chrám Pokoje (The Church of Peace) also catches the eyes of visitors. The town of Hrádek nad Nisou has also taken exceptional care to the recovery of small monuments in the countryside.
After seeing the town, many cyclists and tourists decide to visit Lužické hory (The Lusatian Mountains) and Žitavské hory (The Zittau Mountains) which offer several hundreds of paths of various difficulty. The abundance of paths will enthuse even the most adventurous cyclists who prefer cycling off the marked paths.
Romantic outcrops above Hrádek nad Nisou not only bring views of the three states, they also give the impression that you can almost touch Krkonoše (The Krkonoše Mountains), Jizerské hory (The Jizera Mountains), Lužické hory (The Lusatian Mountains), Ralská pahorkatina (The Ralsko Hillside) and České středohoří (The Czech Central Mountains). Do not forget to visit Grabštejn Castle with its exquisite Renaissance St. Barbora Chapel.
The town’s history began no later than in the 13th century, with evidence cast by documents from 1278 mentioning the town or by archaeological research, the outcome of which was a joist left over from a wooden building dated between 1219 and 1235 and found in a spot where the museum is located today. However, there is evidence of life from the Early Bronze Age 3500 years ago found in the town’s industrial zone, such as waste pits, grounds and thousands of clay fragments.
One of the first Czech textile factories was built in Hrádek nad Nisou, too, though only a single building now stands and is used as flats for so-called Azyl (The Refuge). The textile industry prevailed in Hrádek nad Nisou over last centuries; though nowadays mainly car parts are produced in the region.