Mill Race
The race, called as well the Mill Brook, was thought to have run through half of the town for several centuries. It used to bring water into the Old Mill that once stood in the place of the contemporary factory Bekon supposedly as early as 1400. The race started at the weir nearby today’s bridge in Donín U Nývltů.
It ran around the premises of the Kolora factory in the north. Later, after the train railway was built, it fran underneath it. The water ran under the General Svoboda Street near today’s Sokol Gymnasium and continued along a riverbed on into the park. The race crossed 1st May Street near today’s bed and breakfast S.O.N and continued into the premises of former company Bekon. The place where it once crossed the street is visible in Václavská ulice (Václavská Street) to this day. The race continued back to the Nisa River from this point.

The exact date when the race was built is today unknown. Originally, it brought water to the already mentioned Old Mill and later to the other industrial premises. There were up to nine water wheels in the Old Mill that the water in the race made to revolve. Nearby today’s Sokol Gymnasium, a ditch branched off the water race that led through the lower part of the town and brought the water to the meadows near the Starý dvůr (Old Farmyard). The ditch ceased to exist in the 20s of the 20th century.
The race was covered in 1. Máje Street in the beginning of the 20th century, and nearby the Sokol Gymnasium in 1927. It was visible in the meadow through which the race led from the Bekon premises back to the Nisa river.